New Lofts are being sold in Downtown Los Angeles for the first time in a very long time. Lofts have been sold out in Downtown Los Angeles and getting in front of other buyers is very important. The best lofts in buildings get sold first and rarely are put back on the market. Using a real estate agent who represents both buyers and sellers will often result in a higher purchasing price, and will often bring more problems for the buyer.
A Loft is not a Condominium or a house. This is obvious, Right? Well not really. Even though Lofts have HOA fees, they are not Condominiums. Lofts do not qualify for conventional loans and if a agent is not experienced they will not discover this fact until it is often too late for the buyer.
While lofts do not qualify for conventional loans it does not mean they do not qualify for mortgages. It means that a purchaser, the real estate agent, and the loan agent must work to get documentation and contact lenders that will fund a loft. Often, a lender will use conventional lenders and not find out until the end of escrow they can not use conventional lenders. This will often extend escrow while appropriate lenders are found, or will end escrow and the seller will walk away. Don't let your dream loft slip from your hands because your agent and loan agent are at the beginning of the learning curve when it comes to Lofts! Corey Chambers at the Keller Williams team are experienced in special lending terms and can help turn this nightmare into a advantage when competing with other purchasers.
Law suits is a ugly term. But more than 20% of Loft buildings are in the middle of some law suit of one kind or another. If you work directly with a developer to purchase a loft, or if you a use a agent that does not specialize in Lofts, chances are you will not be informed of existing law suits and how it affects the owners of the lofts in a particular building. As a experienced loft specialist, Corey Chambers will let you know of impending law suits that a building may have. Often many loft buyers complete escrow and find out later that there are outstanding law suits against a building. A developer is not required to inform buyers of impending law suits. Corey Chambers has a 100% satisfaction rating because he gives the buyers the bad news up front.

- Corey searches for new lofts before they go on the market!
Pocket listings or secret supplies are common place in the loft market. Many lofts are not listed on the MLS. There are many reasons for this, but ultimately it means that there are beautiful lofts on the market that get over looked buy purchasers. Corey Chambers has 100s of pocket listings for lofts for sale in Downtown Los Angeles. Only a handful of agents specialize in lofts and developers use these specialist when they have earned their confidence.
Lofts are going to market this year, and there are fewer loft warehouse conversions available in the future.
I can provide the earliest viewings while most must wait until these Lofts open to the general population and most realtors. I can submit the earliest bid to the developers before the competition comes into play, getting you ahead of the competition and inflating the prices for these Downtown Lofts! Buyers who see the new lofts early often get the best units at the lowest prices.
Find a loft in Downtown Los Angeles. Choose from twice as many amazing lofts in L.A. when you get free assistance from Downtown’s #1 buyer’s agent, Realtor Corey Chambers. Prospective residents in Downtown are seeking more creative spaces in the best walking areas near food, shopping and entertainment. High ceilings, lots of windows and light, and open space in genuine industrial and commercial loft conversions, as wells as traditional condos and even houses outside of Downtown.
The #1 Downtown buyer’s agent, Corey Chambers is a Top 6 Realtor® with a Double Platinum award-winning, 5-star Yelp rated team. J.D. Power Award 2012 – Keller Williams Realty ranked Highest in Overall Satisfaction for Home Buyers and Sellers Among National Full Service Real Estate Firms. DRE#01889449